Hands up if you are shy …
Oh … sorry, you’re shy like I was so you won’t put your hand up will you?
To be honest, everyone is shy in one form or another. I can remember watching a hypnosis demonstration a few years back. It was a man who was a complete maniac on skis. He used to go down the black runs on the slopes and seek out the hardest slopes to ski down; slopes that you and I would consider suicide.
Here was a man who was, in my opinion, incredibly confident and not in the least bit shy. However, put this man with a woman and ask him to talk to her and he’d turn into a gibbering wreck! Seriously!
This goes to show you how someone can be supremely confident in one area of their life yet as shy as anything in others. If you are too shy, then it can have a detrimental effect on your life, both socially and professionally.
So how can you overcome your shyness?