James Derulo's

All the world may disown you
And fate may let loose her hounds of hunger.
The gods may guide you to ruin,
Your friends may sell your friendship
To the slaughterhouse of deceit
And love, your queen, may divorce you-
Yet amidst the breaking world
You can stand unshaken
And emerge a victor
If only you muster faith-
Faith in yourself, faith in the divine.
Hope is what I hang on to
When there is nothing left to grab.

Hope carries me through my hard times
When no one bothers to help.

Hope is my light in a dark place
When there is no other light to guide me.

Hope is the wind that carries me through
When I can't carry myself.

Hope gives me strength to press on in my darkest hour
When I can't hold on.

And I know that wherever I go
There will always be hope.

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