James Derulo's

1. The majority of getting what you want is about being bold and daring enough to ask
  If you really think about it, it really boils down to only two things that prevents people from getting what they want in life: they are either too scared or afraid to ask for the things they want, or they just do not know what they really want. You need to learn to ask for the things want, even if you know that people will say no. What is the risk of them saying no to you? It is almost close to zero, as you would have lost nothing. But if you continue asking, you would be really surprised at how frequently you would be able to get the things you want!

2. Fear can be one of your best friends at times
 Fear is not necessarily always a bad thing, and sometimes it may end up being one of your best friends at times. For example, if you fear someone else being in charge of your own life (such as the government), you will work a lot harder to build your career and try to be financially free as quickly as possible. The only time when fear is really bad is when it prevents you from doing things that you really want to do.

3. Knowledge is useless unless it is used
 There a lot of smart people in this world, but you would be surprised to find out that most of the smartest people in this world never ever uses their knowledge at all. Most successful people are not really that smart, but they are able to apply the knowledge they have as quickly as possible, thus gaining experience and improving a lot faster than other people.

4. There are different seasons in life
 Just like how the weather has four seasons, there are also different seasons in life. There will bound to be times when a lot of stuff seems to happen in your life at once, and also times when everything seems to come to a standstill. Learning to adapt to these seasons of life by working hard when you have a lot to do, and save for rainy days. Make use of the slower season to recharge yourself so that you will be able to walk a longer distance afterwards.
To celebrate the end of the year, and to guarantee that 2011 is your absolute best year yet, this Secret Scrolls contains one of the life-changing revelations from the book The Power, and one of the most powerful processes you can do in your life.

Whether you realize it or not, you bring everything to you through the power of your imagination. The power of imagination is not something you have to acquire; you have it already! You think in images even if you aren't aware that you do, and you use imagination or imaging every single day of your life. When you think about the past you are imagining. When you think about the future you are imagining. And as you imagine and concentrate on anything with feeling, you are bringing it to you.

When you worry about something, you are using your immense power of imagination negatively. You are imagining the worst, and as you imagine the worst, you are bringing it to you. When you are excited about something, you are using your power of imagination positively. You are imagining the best, and as you imagine the best, you are bringing it to you.

Using the power of your imagination is something that comes to you naturally, but I want you to understand something about your imagination that will change your life: Whatever you can imagine already exists! You simply can't imagine anything unless it exists already, because when you imagine something you are actually tuning into a particular frequency, and if that frequency didn't exist in the Universe you wouldn't be able to tune into it. So when you imagine yourself with something you want you are tuning into a real thing that already exists, and you are looking at the very frequency of you with your desire!
Now I am going to take you step by step through a revolutionary process using your imagination from the book The Power.
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